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Brexit – Recognition and Use of Academic Degrees

Recognition of Academic Degrees from the UK in Germany

Brexit does not have an effect on the recognition of academic degrees from the United Kingdom. Degrees awarded by recognized British universities can still be recognized in Germany. Their formal status is that of a third-country academic degree.

Background information

  • The withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union took effect on 31 January 2020.
  • Until the end of the Transition Period on 31 December 2020, academic degrees from the UK were treated as EU degrees.
  • The mutual recognition of academic degrees is not part of the free trade agreement "UK-EU TCA."
  • The United Kingdom remains a signatory of the Lisbon Recognition Convention.

Use of Academic Degrees from the UK in Germany

Bachelor's and Master's Degrees

Each German federal state has its own law – the state higher education act (Landeshochschulgesetz) – regulating the use of academic degrees. The state higher education acts are based on the KMK decision from 14 April 2000, stating that foreign academic degrees from third countries can be used exactly as they were awarded or in their commonly used abbreviated form stating the awarding university. Please contact your state's Ministry of Science (Wissenschaftsministerium) in case of questions.

Doctoral Degrees

Article 4 of the Favoring Regulations of the Guidelines for the Regulation of the Use of Foreign Academic Degrees According to a Legal General Approval Through Uniform Legal Regulations from 14 April 2000 states that doctoral degrees from the United Kingdom can be used in Germany as "Dr." subject to certain conditions. Please contact your state's Ministry of Science (Wissenschaftsministerium) in case of questions.