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Transfer of Periods of Study and Examination Outcomes

Periods of study and credits obtained at universities abroad may be recognised for continuing study and admission to examinations in Germany.

The higher education institution and, where applicable, the course of study, must be recognised or accredited according to legislation in the country of origin.

Additionally, achievements must be documented in a transcript of records, (ECTS) credits, or other forms of documentation, if applicable.

Universities are responsible for recognising and transferring periods of study and examination results. The respective state examination authorities are responsible for study programmes which are completed with a state examination (for example medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine, pharmaceutics, food chemistry, as well as teaching degrees and degrees in law) only. Universities and state examination authorities may request an evaluation of foreign educational credentials from the Central Office for Foreign Education (ZAB).

It is recommended to gather information about possible recognition of periods of study and examination outcomes before transferring to a foreign university. A list of all higher education institutions and study courses in Germany can be found in the Higher Education Compass offered by the German Rectors’ Conference (HRK).

Which authorities are in charge of recognition?

  • Universities decide on the transfer of periods of study and examination results.
  • The transfer of study periods and examination results within a programme that is to be completed by a state examination is regulated by the respective state examination authorities.

Documents and useful links

Higher Education Compass offered by the German Rectors' Conference (HRK)