Equivalence with German School-Leaving Certificates
School performance or school leaving certificates from abroad may be equated with German school-leaving certificates if learning outcomes are comparable and no significant differences exist. For eligible persons according to the Federal Expellees Act there may be differing regulations in place.
Hauptschulabschluss (general education school leaving certificate after grade 9)
In order to obtain a Hauptschulabschluss, at least 9 years of schooling are required. There must have been sufficient school teaching in a first language, a foreign language, mathematics, a natural sciences subject and a social studies subject. Music, art and sports should have been taken as compulsory or compulsory optional subjects.
Mittlerer Bildungsabschluss (general education school leaving certificate after grade 10)
In order to obtain the Mittlerer Bildungsabschluss, successful attendance of at least 10 years of school is required. There must have been sufficient school teaching in a first language, a foreign language, mathematics, a natural sciences subject and a social studies subject. Music, art and sports should have been taken as compulsory or compulsory optional subjects.
Hochschulreife (higher education entrance qualification)
Decisions about equivalence with the allgemeine oder fachgebundene Hochschulreife (general or subject-specific higher education entrance qualification) for professional purposes, e.g. vocational training, are made by the certificate recognition offices (Zeugnisanerkennungsstellen) of the Länder. If access to higher education is sought, the relevant higher education institutions are responsible for recognising the qualification.
Brief summary
Brief summary
- Equivalence with German school leaving qualifications is possible under certain conditions.
- Competent authorities decide on the award of a German school leaving certificate. They can be found in the database 'anabin' under 'Anerkennungs- und Beratungsstellen in Deutschland'.