Kultusminister Konferenz

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5128 Ergebnisse:
111. Recognition of School Qualifications  
Datum: 2022-08-25
Brief summary School performance may be recognised. Schools decide on the placement into a certain type of school or grade in consultation with the supervising school authority. Official…  
112. Equivalence with German School-Leaving Certificates  
Datum: 2022-08-25
Brief summary Equivalence with German school leaving qualifications is possible under certain conditions. Competent authorities decide on the award of a German school leaving certificate. They can…  
113. Academic Recognition  
Datum: 2022-08-25
Academic Recognition Academic recognition comprises access to higher education access to postgraduate and doctorate programmes transfer of periods of study and examination outcomes use…  
114. Access to Postgraduate and Doctorate Programmes  
Datum: 2022-08-25
Access to Postgraduate and Doctorate Programmes There have been profound changes in the higher education system in Germany during the first years of the new millennium. The old degrees – Diplom…  
115. Access to Higher Education  
Datum: 2022-08-25
Access to Higher Education In general, access to German higher education with foreign school leaving certificates is possible. As a basic requirement, the certificate has to be a higher education…  
116. Transfer of Periods of Study and Examination Outcomes  
Datum: 2022-08-25
Transfer of Periods of Study and Examination Outcomes Periods of study and credits obtained at universities abroad may be recognised for continuing study and admission to examinations in…  
117. Use of Academic Titles  
Datum: 2022-08-25
Brief summary Academic degrees are legally protected in Germany. The foreign degree must have been awarded in due form. The foreign degree must have been awarded on the basis of a completed study…  
118. Professional Recognition  
Datum: 2022-08-25
Brief summary You can apply for a job in Germany with your foreign professional qualification. If your profession is a regulated profession in Germany, a formal recognition for access and exercise…  
119. Ganztagsschulen in Deutschland  
Datum: 2023-11-16
Ganztagsschulen in Deutschland Die Kultusministerkonferenz hat bereits im Dezember 2001 nach den ersten Ergebnissen von PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) aus dem Jahr 2000…  
120. Servicebereich Schule  
Datum: 2016-01-25
Formulare Landesinstitute für Lehrerfortbildung und Schulentwicklung Schulwechsel über Ländergrenzen hinweg Sicherheit im Unterricht Schulbau Termine der Abiturprüfung  
Suchergebnisse 111 bis 120 von 5128